Trip to Somerset House

26th September

We took a trip to London Charring Cross taking images of typography for our type tour project of many different buildings, shops, hotels etc. We chose the most interesting type we could find throughout our walk to collect for our poster giving an insight to what the tour was going to be about and almost a sneak peak of what the audience would be seeing.

Here our some of the images I took on my travels and at Somerset House exhibitions.



Analysing Poster Design Task.

29th September 2014

Task to find different style posters using different methods of design.

sagmeister‘A poster that combines text and image in an imaginative way’ + ‘A poster that is unusual in its approach.’

Designer: Stefan Sagmeister

Info/Intentions: ‘Stefan Sagmeister is mostly famous for his body carving project, where he carved words into his body. Stefan was said to have suffered from anxiety so decided to carve meaningful words, names and dates, for a Detroit poster, on to his body as relief for his anxiety and give out his message in a truly deep way that is definitely original. Sagmeister said; “We probably could have Photoshoped that AIGA Detroit poster, rather than cutting the type in my skin. I think the results are more authentic and the process more interesting (and painful)”.’


‘A poster that creates an image from the arrangement of text.’

Intentions: This posters intentions were to promote world peace by integrating the typography to create a powerful image relating to war and guns. Quoting ‘Just don’t shoot, let peace be the way’. The Imagery created is powerful and catches the eye through the imagery bringing the reader in to read the text.



‘A poster that provides too much text based information to be visually interesting.’

This imagery is very overcrowded with text based information the poster is slightly daunting to the audience and in my opinion would not always catch the audiences attention because of this.

Designer: Yih Tang Yeo

Date: 2013


‘A poster that makes good use of multi-directional text.’

Date: 2011

This poster uses multi-directional text in a very simple yet effective way. The type is legible yet intriguing with a sense of movement from the type and the imagery. The intensions of this piece are purely advertising and promotion.


‘A poster that is too image based with insufficient inclusion of text based information.’

This poster is very minimalist it is too image based yet the imagery used is not easily defined. After researching into the poster itself is does decide the meaning but personally i thought is was a very poor use of type as well as imagery.

Designer: Zsolt Molnar

Date: 2014


‘A poster that makes good used of a limited colour scheme. Good use of text set at an angle.’

The limited use of colour here works very well in this case in my opinion, although it is simple. Using tone in the imagery and adapting to the vintage style using these colours are bubbly and fun and eye-catching. The intentions of this poster are for advertisement.

Designer: Anderson Design Group

Date: March 28th 2013




A poster that makes good use of text set at an angle.

Here the imagery uses a good use of text set at an angle. The phrase used has been well executed by using the angled text method. Using size, bold, and the slant gives it real character. Making the audience read it in the way it is meant to be read.

Designer: Zsolt Molnar

Date: 2014

Feedback from Presentations ‘What is Graphic Design?’


After listening to my peers discuss their presentations on ‘What is Graphic Design?’ It has widened my view on Graphic Design and has made me open up to different aspects of graphic design of which I haven’t seen/noticed before. It has been interesting to see what others views are on the subject and what they personally perceive as Graphic Design.