Looking at Type Anatomy and Choosing a Font.



I decided to look at type anatomy as my project focuses on typography, I thought before I chose a typeface I should learn the type anatomy beforehand.

There is so many different names for parts of typography which enables me to discuss type in a more professional way and go into the typography I will be using more in depth.

Using the right typeface and understanding how a font will impact your design can add that extra pop to print and digital projects and will set them apart from all others.

One important area to understand is the anatomy of type. Ascenders, descenders and serifs may sound like words from another language but are the basis for understanding the style of a typeface and how if relates to your project.

What kind of feel am I trying to convey? Modern or classic? What audience are you targeting? The font can help. The style of a font can add meaning to the poster I will be creating.

After looking at type terms, with my imagery being created from text the type used there may need to be the opposite from the main focus of information e.g. using a serif then using the opposite to catch the eye for example a sans serif, if it is too similar it might blend in and not pop out from the imagery.

serif and san serif

For creating my brush I have decided to use a serif font when testing out the brushes the one that was most effective and was more obvious that it was drawing from letters. I decided on using the font MS Serif.

Here are some different fonts I have looked at for my final piece I decided that the font ‘Bebas Neue’ is the most effective and legible. I wanted to go for a sans serif font to create opposites to make the main information stand out from the imagery I will be creating using and serif font that I chose to start with.


 I decided on a serif and sans serif because after looking at the types of fonts next to each other, to me they are the most opposite and would stand out from each other in there own way.


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