Evaluation of My Postcards.

Evaluating the final product.

Allocated ‘Clarendon’ Font Outcome.

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My finished Clarendon postcard I feel fits the brief and very eye catching to the audience. I think that the use of positive and negatives work well and really attracts the attention to the font and makes it feel bold and very headline like which the font is used for mostly in design. I also think that the different rotations of the letters create a lot of movement within the piece and would make the audience intrigued to look closer at the smaller lettering.

If I could change anything about this piece it would be to maybe have tried out a few more vintage colours to see what they type of theme would have looked like and what type of effect that could have made. I would have also made the serif on the letter ‘d’ blend more into the letter n as I feel like all of the letter flow very well other than that one as the serif hasn’t been blended.

After looking at the piece overall I feel like although It could be improved it does fit the brief well and is pleasing to the eye so attracts people to the font.

History of Type Outcome.

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I think my overall design for my History of Type postcard fits the brief and works very well as a drop cap. I feel like the red colour in the ‘d’ creates a good recognition of the Manuscript illuminations and the font creates a good recognition as the old type used ‘Dearest’ is similar to the Manuscript fonts. I think the swirls and patterning also relate well to the drop caps in Manuscripts for my History of Type postcard.

If I could change anything about this design I would have played around more with involving the background to the main letter. I had done it slightly but not as much as I would have liked. I would have also tried out gold leafing to make it more manuscript like and maybe added more traditional traits to the History of Type theme. I would have also looked at different colour schemes further that were used in manuscripts and incorporated more colours in my design.

Although there are positives and negatives about this piece I fell that it does describe History of Type well and fits the brief perfectly.


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