Initial Front Cover Thumbnails.

Here are my initial sketch ideas. From looking at the iconic styles of the skinhead culture and the creative review magazine I was inspired by the simple imagery of a particular item from the subculture and the Creative Review boot front cover I previously looked at. I was also inspired by the simplicity of the front cover layouts so I have gone for this effect.

Here I looked at the iconic Doc Marten boots worn by the skinheads I initially wanted the boot to be much bigger as if it was stepping on the page. Although I dont feel like this design is effective I felt like the clothing and the boots could be developed further as the iconic look is very recognisable to the subculture.

Here I went for the typical skinhead look profile. I decided to add the shoulders to bring in the clothing like the shirt and the braces as aswell as the shaved head these related more to the subcultures fashion more. I felt like this design wasnt eyecatching enough and there is too much information being given I wanted it to be a subtle hint to the subculture rather than just a full image of a skinhead so I decided to look more into parts of the skinhead like the clothing, shoes and the head.

Here I looked at the typical shirt, jeans and braces without the head. I felt like the torso is a very recognisable part the the subculture and I was also influenced by the Creative Review cover looked at previously. I think this design could be effective however would ned to b e developed.

Here I tried to interepret the boots, jeans and the skinhead. I felt like this design was too jumbled and would need a few things taken out of it before it could be taken any further however I feel like the pose shows the subcultures percieved personality and is recognisable with the items that I have used.

Here is my favoured design out of them all. I feel like this design really shouts skinhead culture. Again it is showing the way the skinheads were percieved in the way they were quite scary and created a moral panic in that era. And what better of a way to describe the skinhead culture than with a skinhead. I was inspired by the Creative Review cover and after illustrating this inital idea I have decied to go down more of an Illustrative route relating to the creative magazine I am designing for. This piece will need to be developed and I will be trying to add a background showing a scene in the skinhead era. I feel like this piece is most striking and will catch the readers eye; giving away hints to the subculture rather than making the piece too simple. I want to intregue the reader in the way the creative review designers have.

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