
Evaluation of my final book cover.


My finished book cover, back and spine I feel fits the brief and very eye catching to the audience. I think that the imagery I have created describes motivation and more specifically motivational thinking, I feel like the imagery catches the audiences eye to attract them to the book. I feel the imagery created and colours used are very classic and are all there for a reason which makes them work they are attracting the correct audience I am aiming at and the imagery is intriguing making the audience want to read further. I feel like the direction which the silhouette face is looking attracts the audience inside the book as well as the imagery on the back also facing inwards to the book. I think the fonts used work very well together and are appropriate for the book I have been designing for. The colour scheme used I think works well as I went with the meaning of the colours to make sure the colours portrayed the correct signifier from the signified. However I do feel as if the imagery created could be a polysemic image as the imagery is not obvious to motivation although with the motivation title I feel it is obvious what I am trying to signify. I feel that the spine works well in catching the audiences attention especially with the white lines. However I do feel the authors name could have been more prominent although due to print quality I feel that was the issue there.

If I could change anything about this piece it would be to maybe have tried out a few different colours to see what type  of effect that could have made. I would have also played around with the imagery of the light bulb maybe adding items relating to the subculture coming out of the burst of light I have created to give more of an obvious meaning to the imagery. If I was to produce this in industry I would like the front cover to be printed on Card Stock for a more professional, glossy finish.

After looking at the piece overall I feel like although It could be improved it does fit the brief well.




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