Testing Ideas.

To bring down my ideas to one to pursue further I carried out a survey asking peers and parents in the general public to find out which idea would be most suitable for children and what they would buy for their children. Which they thought would be most enjoyable and an experience for children.

I numbered each piece 1-4 here were my results and some feed back I received from the 40 people I asked.

1. Puzzle Book – 20%

2. Sticker Book – 20%

3. Activity Pack – 50%

4. Puzzle Chain – 10%


Puzzle Book Feedback:

– ‘could have a series, for instance monthly books with different themes for example 1 month release could be on numbers next month on words etc.’

– ‘productive and keeps the child in concentration’

– ‘could be boring for the child as it is just one game, children get bored easily’

– ‘clever way of educating children but could be boring’

Sticker Book Feedback:

– ‘it is simple but still educational for young children’

– ‘something I remember enjoying as a kid’

– ‘a bit tedious and boring’

Activity Pack Feedback:

– ‘very unique and unusual, definitely something to explore’

– ‘the scratch and sniff idea is very interesting could work very well engaging children with the puzzle’

– ‘I think the experience would be unique although the idea is simple it would be a different approach of helping children of a young age learn’

From this survey I have found that the activity pack is catching the audiences eye more than others. The main feedback I got is that the scratch and sniff is a very unique way to catch a child’s attention and when asking specifically a nursery teacher they believed it would work well in engaging them to play the educational games. I have chosen to go with my market research and pursue the activity pack idea.

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