Examples of design using Maslow’s Hierarchy.

Examples I have found demonstrating Maslow’s Hierarchy.


This piece of design work I feel demonstrates the ‘physiological’ need of Maslow’s hierarchy.  The way the designer has done this is by expressing that water is so important it is impossible to survive without it.  I also feel this ad fits the ‘physiological’ need because water is an every day need for every person.



I feel like this design demonstrates the ‘esteem need’ of Maslow’s hierarchy.  The way the designer I believe he has done this is suggesting that the design of the car is so much like a plane and it is hard to tell the difference between the two.  This piece of design shows the ‘esteem need’ because people will feel particularly renound.  They will also feel as if they are of a high status because their car is being compared to a plane.

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