Educational Aspects.

I have decided to go down an educational route for my design for the experience for children as well as the scratch and sniff. With choosing fruit in my initial ideas it made me think of your ‘5 a day’. I thought I would look into this to refine and develop my ideas to create an enjoyable yet educational outcome.

I found this interesting info graphic that showed fruit and veg that you can eat that will contribute to your 5 a day which includes different well known slogans parents use to persuade their children to eat fruit and veg. For example. carrots make you see in the dark – it attracts children to enjoy the food and makes it an enjoyable experience which most people remember well from when they were a child which I got from my research from peoples experiences.


I am going to look into using similar slogans for the back of my puzzle pieces for interaction with adult and child.

For my colouring book I am going to look at creating an interesting alphabet, I have found colouring book sheets with animals relating to the letter, I liked this idea and thought I could relate different fruit, vegetables and healthy things to letters.


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