Examples of design using Maslow’s Hierarchy.

Examples I have found demonstrating Maslow’s Hierarchy.


This piece of design work I feel demonstrates the ‘physiological’ need of Maslow’s hierarchy.  The way the designer has done this is by expressing that water is so important it is impossible to survive without it.  I also feel this ad fits the ‘physiological’ need because water is an every day need for every person.



I feel like this design demonstrates the ‘esteem need’ of Maslow’s hierarchy.  The way the designer I believe he has done this is suggesting that the design of the car is so much like a plane and it is hard to tell the difference between the two.  This piece of design shows the ‘esteem need’ because people will feel particularly renound.  They will also feel as if they are of a high status because their car is being compared to a plane.

Maslow’s Hierarchy.


Looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy I found it related to my research on experience. From my interpretation I found that the lower part of the chain showed every day experience that the body physically needs. Then I found that the higher up you go they are experiences that create feeling like social needs and safety.

Definition and Meaning:

‘Motivation Theory which suggests five interdependent levels of basic human needs (motivators) that must be satisfied in a strict sequence starting with the lowest level. Physiological needs for survival (to stay alive and reproduce) and security (to feel safe) are the most fundamental and most pressing needs. They are followed by social needs (for love and belonging) and self-esteem needs (to feel worthy, respected, and have status). The final and highest level needs are self-actualization needs (self-fulfillment and achievement). Its underlying theme is that human beings are ‘wanting’ beings: as they satisfy one need the next emerges on its own and demands satisfaction … and so on until the need for self-actualization that, by its very nature, cannot be fully satisfied and thus does not generate more needs. This theory states that once a need is satisfied, it stops being a motivator of human beings. In personnel management, it is used in design of incentive schemes. In marketing, it is used in design of promotional campaigns based on the perceived needs of a market segment a product satisfies. Named after its originator, the US psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow (1908-70) who proposed it in 1954.’ – http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/Maslow-s-hierarchy-of-needs.html

Testing Ideas.

To bring down my ideas to one to pursue further I carried out a survey asking peers and parents in the general public to find out which idea would be most suitable for children and what they would buy for their children. Which they thought would be most enjoyable and an experience for children.

I numbered each piece 1-4 here were my results and some feed back I received from the 40 people I asked.

1. Puzzle Book – 20%

2. Sticker Book – 20%

3. Activity Pack – 50%

4. Puzzle Chain – 10%


Puzzle Book Feedback:

– ‘could have a series, for instance monthly books with different themes for example 1 month release could be on numbers next month on words etc.’

– ‘productive and keeps the child in concentration’

– ‘could be boring for the child as it is just one game, children get bored easily’

– ‘clever way of educating children but could be boring’

Sticker Book Feedback:

– ‘it is simple but still educational for young children’

– ‘something I remember enjoying as a kid’

– ‘a bit tedious and boring’

Activity Pack Feedback:

– ‘very unique and unusual, definitely something to explore’

– ‘the scratch and sniff idea is very interesting could work very well engaging children with the puzzle’

– ‘I think the experience would be unique although the idea is simple it would be a different approach of helping children of a young age learn’

From this survey I have found that the activity pack is catching the audiences eye more than others. The main feedback I got is that the scratch and sniff is a very unique way to catch a child’s attention and when asking specifically a nursery teacher they believed it would work well in engaging them to play the educational games. I have chosen to go with my market research and pursue the activity pack idea.

Sketching Ideas.

Here are the different designs I began sketching developing the ideas to creating something fun and simple which interacts with children giving them an experience which will be educational and enjoyable.

Here are a few Ideas I have come up with which I will then carry out a survey with parents of young children of which one they would think would be most interactive with their children and what will create and experience.

I began with the puzzle book which I thought could have a thin magnetic sheet inside the page as well as the puzzle pieces so the piece would stick to the page when completed, there would be a number of different educational puzzles inside including objects and words and the alphabet. I decided although it would be educational it was a little to difficult and possibly slightly boring for the child and would not create the experience I intended.

This piece is a sticker book this time using the alphabet creating missing spaces that the stickers can be place which is interactive and could be enjoyable for the child including extra letters that they could write their name with including other words that could be learnt on other pages.

This time I have gone down the route of an activity pack. I decided that I needed something a bit for fun and maybe more that one activity as children tend to get bored easily. I have gone downy he route of a colouring book puzzles and crayons. All with educational aspects with numbers on crayon covers to count them, objects and word matching puzzles using scratch and sniff to relate objects with words but a very simple two piece puzzle only, and number colouring book to help with drawing numbers and counting. I feel like this piece will be a helpful and enjoyable experience of fun and learning with scratch and sniff using the senses to create a memorable experience.

This I have decided to go more simple with a simple chain puzzle with numbers on one side and the alphabet on the other (reversable). I will also be creating packaging for the piece attracting the parents to the game itself.

I will now be carrying out a survey finding out what parents/guardians think of the design and which they thing will create the most enjoyable experience for their children. I feel this will help me decide what design will be best to pursue with a important reason behind it from my research.

Brainstorming Ideas.

I have began brainstorming ideas of educational puzzle which is the route I have decided from my initial research and looking at experiences of most people. I found the most remembered experiences were from when people were young so I have decided to go down this route to create an experience for a child in which they will remember and could hopefully help them in time to come; whether it be with there language helping them rate objects with words or just simply the alphabet or numbers of which they will be using for the rest of their lives.





I am looking more simply into the category as I don’t want the piece to be too difficult so I have pointed out the main educational points in puzzles and thought about what I could get from those.

I then after researching the existing designs I though I would explore what other route I could go down in design and possibly make something a bit more fun and exciting. I thought of an activity pack which would include puzzle piece and other activities like a colouring book to help with alphabet and even drawing skills. I thought of different materials that could be used in the puzzle book to make the puzzle pieces stick and came up with a magnetic idea as well as the more often used wood boards and stickers.

From this I will sketch up different ideas of what things I could design to make the piece as interactive and fun as it can be divergently to then think conversantly to choose a path to go down.

Age Ranges/Target Audience.

I have decided to look into the age bracket of the existing puzzles and activity packs I have seen to determine what age bracket I will be aiming my piece to and also what materials young children can work with as well as size looking at choke hazards etc what I will need to include on my piece.

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The majority age range of what I have been looking at is 3-4+. So anything i design will be at least 3+. It will have to be simple in design bright and colourful and enjoyable for a young child. I have desired I am going to go down the route of using the alphabet, number counting and objects matching with words to also make the adults interact with the children helping them with languages etc.

Existing Products.

After having a think about ideas of design with an experience I decided that a children’s book would be good as children enjoy interactive games and books. So first I am going to look at different interactive designs that are already out there I will then look at specific age ranges that children can use for example reading levels and skill levels.

Here are some examples I have found that have caught my eye.

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I have found different types of puzzles that are simple and educational as well as being fun. Which is what I want to incorporate into my piece I looked further to see what different ways they have created the puzzles.

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After looking at this puzzle I have found for younger audiences the puzzle difficulties are very simple, mainly two piece puzzles that are easy for children to complete and enjoy.

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I have found with the alphabet puzzles they are eye-catching and easy to complete but still educational in a sense of figuring out the way the alphabet goes, I think I will interpret this into my design as also relating the letters to a simple object with the letter at the beginning of the word will also be adding an extra sense of enjoyment and educational aspect in a different way for the same thing.

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Here is a slightly different style I have looked at which is more of an activity pack using magnets. The child can create a scene using numbers and images to create enjoyment as well. This piece has made me consider different routes I could go down so I will brainstorm this to see what ideas I can come up with.

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Again this is an activity pack for children simple in use but fun as well as educational which is the route I would like to go down. seeing what is inside has enlightened me in what things I can design and what children like, colour wise and the simplicity of the colour pallet.

From this I am join got look at the age ranges to choose my target audience of which I will be designing for. And also start brainstorming and sketching initial ideas divergently to the narrow down to one design idea.

Experience In Design.

What is involved in an experience?

There are 3 different types of experience:

Everyday – This is things that happen to you everyday that you don’t realise for example driving your car to work, eating everyday foods or even typing this post.

Recognised – This is an experience that you are aware of for example, travelling or a special day out.

Group Memory – This is an experience that you have with a number of people for instance a festival or going to the FA Cup.

An experience in you mind will not be the same as it was at the time, the mind will exaggerate the experience/memory.

We carried out an experiment asking each other what are their most remembered experience and why? They were generally big moments in people lives like doing things for the first time or a time when they felt pain for example when someone broke their leg playing football etc.

Examples of experience in design:


‘The Drinkable Book’ – It makes the audience want to participate, Its educational.


‘Alter Bahnhof Video Walk’ – Creates emotion, how you would feel as if you were in the same situation.


‘Fender American Design Experience’ – Being able to personalise something in your own way creates a feeling towards the object and is a very interactive website.

What do experiences have in common? How can we design for this?

‘Active engagement in a physical sense, not just mentally.’

‘Loss of ego and boundaries – no agenda (like an aesthetic experience)’

‘Designing for the experiences of others is like choreography or staging a show.’

‘Specific experienced cannot be guaranteed – like intentional fallacy.’

‘Experiences live beyond the object/artefact.’

‘Fluidity of experience and how it unfolds – stages (time, narrative, intensity, objects, spaces, textures).’

User co-designs or there is collaboration = interactive in some way.


Who’s is excluded from an experience? for example in high fashion, the affordability of the experience? With a website, would the target audience be able to view it (be able to afford broadband)?

Three key factors to take into concideration:

– Cognition – knowing/mental understanding

– Sensory Perception – (physical bodily feeling – touching, balance and senses)

– Emotion – affective domain

How can we measure or plan from experience?


– Both a methodology and philosophy

– Awareness of bodies in space

– When I do ‘this’ I feel like ‘this’ – Anything that affects us physically and emotionally.


– The study of cultures/studying people as a culture

– The myths etc.

Semiotics – Things signify something – How people recognise cultural symbols?

Ideology – The assumptions – What is morally right or wrong?

Testing – When do people get involved with with what your designing?


Aims – To create an object, space or system that is an experience for a young child using design.

– To make the design educational as well as enjoyable for the child.

– To make sure the design will appeal to parents buying the experience for their children as well as the children themselves.

Production Plan :

Part 1 – 1 board of exhibition response and analysis – dissect the effect it might have on the user.

Part 2 – 1 board  of research – defining the user and the circumstances for intention, not the intervention itself – Identify and investigate a potential user, and how you want them to feel about themselves.

Part 3 – 1 board for development, and a second for the design solution, plus a written statement of 500 words (Design, development and solution).

Contingency Planning: My plan is that if my design doesn’t work I will either go back to my initial ideas and choose another however I will be constantly be reviewing my work with different stages of research to make sure the design I wish to pursue will work.

Research Methods:

Internet Sources – Research of existing products, collages and any other simple research.

Library Books/Nursery – Looking at existing children’s books and toys. Other necessary research .

The General Public and Peers – For surveys and opinions.

Learning Outcomes:

Specialist –

  • Understanding of the needs and requirements of professional practice specialisms.
  • Ability to articulate in various modes the implications of critical theories for design practices and visual culture in general.
  • Effective visual communication through the medium of graphic design specialism.
  • Critical research and analytical skills relevant to contemporary practice.

Generic –

  • Independent study
  • Critical thinking and analysis
  • Learning through reflection
  • Ability to abstract meaning from information
  • Ability to work with complex material, analyze problems and identify appropriate solutions

How my work will be tested – I will be carrying out a survey to find out which of my designs will be most appropriate with peers and the general public.

Reflection – Look back on the learning outcomes and make sure it fits with them and everything is included.

The Design Museum.

At the beginning of the project I went to the design museum looking at different exhibitions that caught my eye. A couple of pieces in particular caught my eye looking at ways the designer way trying the capture the audience and things people wore which made the audience see them in different ways and having different powers.

Here are some of the photos I took of the exhibitions and later I will talk about a specific piece I found interesting.

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This piece I found the most interesting in how it is perceived by the audience. The designer here has gone for a very masculine look with shoulder pads and a suited look. To me this looks like it has been designed in this way to make the owner wearing the item feel power as the time it was made it was still what I would call it ‘a mans world’ so wearing something like this being a woman may well have been a shock to the general public but would perceive this person having power. This piece was the most striking to me as I really saw a sense of feeling in the way the piece has been designed with the way the piece was perceived. The piece shows me that the designer was very clever in the way they have created such power in just a smart choice of attire but with the shoulder pads its showing the broadness of a man so to me it is showing the views of which the designer has at that time.

The emotional journey of which this person may have felt when getting the item may be a feeling of sexism towards them as they are trying to be more masculine and powerful in that time so they could be overcoming that however it could be a description of wealth.