Beginning of my Photographs.

From my research I began visiting coastal areas to find rubbish on the beach suitable for my project. I have begun in botany bay and stumbled across some tangled fishing line with plastic and seaweed. It struck my eye with the way it was placed all tangled up together. It made me wonder how the line got here whether it was washed up from somewhere far and the way it was wrapped around the seaweed showed the danger of such a small item.



I decided to make it the main focus of my photograph although wanted the beauty of the area it was surrounded by. I thought it would tell a story which I think it did. My inspiration here was Dave Gibbeson trying to capture the story of the items I have found and with the contrast of the background looking beautiful to the rubbish that is on it worked well.



When I looked at this further I found the background could distract from the main focus of the image. I felt what I was trying to signify could be perceived differently because of the beauty of the background and I did not want that so I decided to crop the image and make the image black and white to become more striking to the audience and reduce the amount of signifiers.

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