Step By Step.

Here is my step by step of how I will be creating my double page spreads I have taken into consideration what I am trying to signify and with my photos and research I will be putting together my work to fit the brief I have been given.

Firstly I began with my grid I decided to work in millimetres as for me that was the best measurement to work in personally. I decided on a 9 column grid. 12mm bleed and 5mm margins. I decided on this grid asI found it would work well for a magazine and work well for a well balanced layout. Here are some of the steps I carried out.

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When creating my grid I decided to change the size of the inner margin to 12mm as the magazine is 200×200 I thought it would work better with my layout.

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From my initial layout sketches I placed my images in cropping them to fit my grid. I found that on this piece the image of the beer can needed to be cropped to fit the layout of my text and header so I decided to change it a crop to size.

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I found this worked well and I believed that it was well proportioned to the text and the imagery throughout. I decided to keep to the black and white theme to signify the dullness and who dirty beaches in Britain can be.

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When I created my second double page spread I decided there was something missing. I played around with adding further imagery relating to the article I had written to make sure the signified and the signifier worked well together.

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This worked well I kept gutter space in-between the images to make them balanced and lined them up with the text to ensure a consistent layout throughout. However I still thought there was something wrong. I looked at my choice of fonts for my header, sub header and paragraphs and realised I had used both serif typefaces. So I decided to research what typefaces work well together in and editorial and found that using a serif and sans serif typeface on the same page work well together as a contrasting font so I tried out typefaces and found Gill Sans instead of Big Carlson. This worked very well so I decided to use this consistently throughout my spreads.

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After doing this I realised that I wanted my sub header to not be the main focus so to use a different style of Gill Sans which was the light version. This worked well at giving the subtitle the 2nd main focus of typography which was intended.

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I then came to these outcomes. I decided to give some finishing touches by editing the titles and overhang the speech marks to give it more a magazine look. I also noticed a capital letter on beaches and changed that.

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From this I noticed that in my text there was too much spacing throughout and was not proportionate this needed to change I also noticed the title of ‘British beaches’ the lettering wasn’t aligned correctly so from this I have decided to align my text to the left and also make sure the title was aligned properly as well as the over hang of the speech marks.

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At this stage I then realised that there was a inconsistency with the spacing in-between the imagery (left side) so I need to make sure that is consistent.

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Here our the final outcomes.

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