Existing Typographic Posters.

To begin I decided to focus on looking at existing posters advertising typefaces to give me an insight of what my poster could look like. I have found a few different posters on several different typefaces that have caught my eye.

Here are the examples below.


I like the way this piece creates movement within the typeface, I feel it makes the typeface look interesting and relates to what the typeface is about which I what I would like to do when designing my piece.

Igaramond garamondposter

I felt that these to pieces were the most striking with the use of black and white I feel signifies the classic look of the typeface which I feel works very well. However on the second piece I feel the information cannot be read properly which lets the poster down.

From this research it has given me more of an insight on how to signify the typeface’s personality and what it is used for; but also has given me ideas for how to attract an audience to use a particular typeface and make not just a designer be attracted to look at a typography advertisement.

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