




My finished double page spreads I feel work very well, I feel as if they fit the brief and in my eye very well proportioned in layout. I think that my use of the 4 and 5 column grids made the piece work very well and really attracts the attention to the imagery and title to begin and then to the information. I also think that the gutters/margins work well in separating the images and text especially the sequences. I feel the layout design is consistent throughout my double page spreads. I think the black and white imagery worked well with my chosen theme and signified the sharpness of skating very well.

If I could change anything about this piece it would be to maybe have tried out a more unique layout and also experimented more with colours to see how that would have worked.

After looking at the piece overall I feel like although It could be improved it does fit the brief well and is a well proportioned layout design and signifies the point I was getting across about skateboarding itself.

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