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My finished Stephen Fry Branding I feel fits the brief and very eye catching to the audience. I think that the use of positive and negatives work well and really attracts the attention to the logo and makes it feel very classic and professional but still has the comedic side of the black cab. I also feel for the post card the slight distortion of the text makes it a bit more interesting than just the initial logo design but is still recognisable as the logo. I feel that my style guide is a clear and simple indication of what fonts and colours should be used when designing for Stephen Fry himself.

If I could change anything about this piece it would be to maybe have tried out a few more colours to see what they type of theme would have looked like and what type of effect that could have made.

After looking at the piece overall I feel like it does fit the brief well and signifies Stephen Fry in the way I believe he would want to be.

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My own personal branding I feel fits the brief and very eye catching with the use of positive and negatives and really attracts the attention to the information on the outcomes. I also feel the addition of the imagery created by texts really signifies me as a typographer which is what I was trying to get across. I feel the use of just simple black and white really works way in portraying me as classical yet a modern designer and very clean cut which Is the way I was again trying to portray myself as being. Overall I feel it works well and fitted the criteria. If I could change anything about this piece it would be to maybe have tried out a few colours to see what they t would have looked like and what type of effect that could have made. I would have also played around with my logo a bit more to see what I could adapt to making it more interesting.

Step by Step Compliment Slip and Letterhead.

Here is my step by step of my letterhead and compliment slip.

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I have played around with the placement of my logo and information. I found the logo looked best central of the letterhead looking more professional with the information aligned to the left of to header and footer of the page.

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Here is the final outcome above.

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For my compliment slip I play around with the imagery I had created for my business card and the positioning of my logo to see what was best suited.

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I found that my logo was too big on the page and needed to be shrunk down. i liked the placement of this above the ‘with compliments’ in the bottom left.

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I then decided to play around with my contact information to see where is was best placed. I found in the top right hand corner it was too top heavy so decided to play around with the positioning.

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Placing it on the bottom of the page created too much negative space above and was not well balanced so decided to bring up the logo and ‘with compliments’ to make it work. I felt this worked best.

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Here is my final outcome.

Logo and Business Card Step by Step.

Here is my step by step of my logo design and business card.


To begin I used the pen tool tracing around my design to create the same style of font.

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From this I added the word design playing around with the placement to make it work into the logo design.

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After playing around I decided to keep it simple and stick with just the ‘cm’ initials which I would then add to when adding it to my business card

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I then played around with a previous style I tried before when practicing creating a business card which I thought well in describing my brand as a typographer playing around with black and white to make the card more interesting. I also played around with using the typeface Clarendon as it is one of my favourites to use as a designer and worked well against the san serif I created as my logo.

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From this I decided to remove the information from the front as I wanted to keep it simple just using typography for the design on the front using the Asterix as part of the imagery I was making using the typeface to signify me as a typographer.

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For the back I decided to keep it simple with just the information on the back with the small icons to show world wide what they are used for keeping the scheme of the typeface Clarendon. I also added my logo in the top right hand corner which at this point I found too big.

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From this I made the logo slightly smaller in the top right hand corner to focus on the information given on the back of the business card which I felt worked well.

Style Guide for Stephen Fry Branding.

To begin I looked into existing style guides to find out what would need to be included here are a few examples I have found.

Style-Guides StyleGuide_04 WRSGuide

‘A style guide is a set of standards for the writing and design of documents, either for general use or for a specific publication, organization, or field. (It is often called a stylesheet, though that term has other meanings.) A style guide establishes and enforces style to improve communication.’
From this I have created my own simple style guide for Stephen Fry.

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Step By Step.

Here is my step by step on creating my business card, letter head and compliment slip for Stephen Fry.

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Here I played around with the information on the business card and working out different placements of the information to see which was most suitable.

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Here is the front of the business card with the main logo on the front. I felt like this still needed some tweaking to make it a bit more exciting for the front of the business card.

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I decided that the back way too busy and played around with different ways in which I could place the information which suited Stephen Fry. I found this was the best suited layout and looked most professional.

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Here i played around with tools to make the front image more interesting but still capturing the logo for recognition. I morphed the typography to fit with the car which I feel worked well in creating the wheel of the car which I feel it worked well in making it more interesting for the front of the card.

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Here is my letterhead which I played around with a little bit but overall it worked well so just a few tweaks like lifting the bottom footer up and playing around with the information at the bottom and the top.

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For my compliment I played around with having text different angles and positions keeping to the black and white theme. I felt the .com didn’t work so when adding his information I felt it wasn’t needed so kept it simple. Below is the final.

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Development of logo.

Here is my step by step development on creating my logo design.


From my survey I found that the most popular logo design was the black cab design so to begin I traced the sketch in illustrator to create a cartoon effect.

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Here is what I was left with; which I then decided to try different typefaces which I felt were most appropriate to Stephen Fry. For example Times New Roman and Myriad Pro adding an underline to fit in the the design of the cab.

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From that I still didn’t find that the typography worked with the imagery so I looked in further to see what typography would work best in describing him which brought up his signature. I played around and found the font Mistral which Was most like his signature which signified more of his laid back personality.

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I now decided to play around with different colours to see what would work best with really making the logo pop but also being most appropriate. And also playing around with different thickness’ to give the car more of a 3D look.

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I then inverted the colours to play around further of what it could look like which I found worked well but didn’t pop out as much as the main black colour signifying the trademark of the black cab.

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Here is my final logo design which I feel is most appropriate for describing Stephen Fry and his personality.


Logo Sketches.

Here are a few of my sketches for my logo for Stephen Fry. From my research I found out trademarks of Stephen fry and more about his personality to begin sketching these ideas.

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After sketching and developing my ideas I decided to do a quick survey to fine out which logo was most appropriate for step hem fry himself. The most popular was my final idea being the black cab which is one of Stephen Fry’s most well know trademarks which I feel presents him well. I feel this signifies Fry as begin classical man but also very professional but also fun showing his comedic side with the cab being in the cartoon style.