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My finished Pub Branding I feel fits the brief and very eye catching to the audience. I think that the use of illustration and digital painting works well and really attracts the attention to each of the 3 outcomes and makes it feel very traditional yet professional but still has the literal side of the moat itself. I also feel for the designs the slight shadowing of the type makes it a bit more interesting and stands out from the imagery well but is still recognisable as the pub name. I feel that each of my designs are clear and are suitable for my target audience which I am aiming at. I feel that the design is very modern style as well as keeping the traditional pub theme itself.

If I could change anything about this piece it would be to maybe have tried out a few different styles of painting and also trying out a few more materials that I researched. The only reason this wasn’t possible was due to cost.

After looking at the piece overall I feel like it does fit the brief well and signifies the traditional yet with a modern feel. Also attracting a more open target audience rather than just the older generation.

Step by Step.

To begin my design I sketched my type using the method I learned from Sean’s workshop. I decided on a traditional looking serif typeface to fit with the traditional countryside feel of the pub itself. During designing this font I was very much inspired by the typographic barges I had researched previously which lead me to this.



After making sure the typography was up to standard I began giving it a solid outline making it possible for me to scan it in to work with it digitally.


Then using this image of sodium castle I began sketching my sign. Using different images below which you will see I have used as references to sketch the flowers.

Scan 1 Scan 2

Scan 4Scan 3




After finishing my detailed sketch I then began scanning it into the computer so I could begin manipulating it and working on it to create a colourful pub sign.

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During scanning the sketch in I came across many problems with lining up each of the scanned proportions to put it together. I began using tools like the stamp tool to fill in gaps making the image full and my audience not be able to see any imperfections.




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I then began playing around with levels to create a much darker sketch line. Keeping the detail but enabling myself to be able to add colour.

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Using the colour picker I began adding colour to each of the flowers picking from the images above to create a painted look.

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As you can see the painted flowers below gives an interesting effect which makes them come out of the screen more to attract the consumer.

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i began trying out different styles of painting which some worked well and some did not. I found the trees looked too rounded and the wooden bridge was not bright enough in comparison to the flowers themselves.

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As you can see from the left tree in comparison the right. I have begun using different brush tools to create more of a leaf/bush texture.

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I began using similar tools to create the water texture with the shadows.

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Here is my final design.

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For the bottle I used the design and mocked it up on the beer bottle however I felt this didn’t work and needed to look back into my research.

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From this I was inspired by these brands that I researched. I feel it has made my design more unique and stands out from the crowd.

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Here are my final designs.

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