
Day 1

We began with looking into what the prevent campaign was all about and how the college would like us to design something to make students aware of the campaign and aware of radicalisation.

The brief given was to work with our classmates as a group to create an interesting design to be an alternative to the existing Prevent posters. The chosen design will be made and used within the college.

We started with using some divergent thinking strategies. Practising this we were able to as a group think of ways we could protest peacefully. Below is what we cam up with.

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From this we then had to think of different ways we could convey the message of prevent, whether it be through imagery, text or both. We decided to use many different ways of attracting students to find out more about radicalisation and communicate what it is.

Here are a few images of what we came up with.







We though of many different strategies to communicate the prevent campaign using shock tactics and different metaphors to get the message accross.

 These are what we developed from our ideas. We wanted to convey the message that in the world we are in we all are different but we all have a space. Pointing out that only a small minority are radicalisers.

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After developing our designs as a group we came up with this poster.prevention-globe

We felt this design communicates the message of prevent the way we wanted. It fits our target audience and works well overall as a design.
