Feedback from presentations with brief.

Theclients decided that every group had some things that were valuable that they would like us to continue with. We are now no longer in a group however will be continuing with the ideas/theme that our particular group came up with.

They have decided that they will be using more than one final outcome to use in the factory that will need to be displayed in a particular way. Not having any posters or anything that could cause a health and safety risk.

Rotation is a key point that they would like including the journey, value, environment (radio), recognition for the workers and graphic ideas. Don’t include anything too personal like birthdays etc. Has to be generic and easy to apply. ‘The journey doesn’t stop with the workers it stops when its on the plate.’ Also liked the idea of things on uniforms to praise workers as such.

We are to concentrate on the canteen and screen products.

28th of November is the deadline where we will be presenting 1 by 1 with a pecha kutcha. Including a 1 page pdf with visuals with bullet points to explain this must be emailed and printed for the client. Unless its a mock up there must be a final printed as well.

‘Always on transformation’ making something for now that will eventually need to be developed in the future.

Think outside the box to make it interesting.


‘Over the week everyone is to research food waste in general and any design campaigns to reduce waste of any sort. Or other design campaigns that may give insights and inspiration to this one.’


To begin we started with a divergent thinking task all given a different image of fruit or a worker. I was given an image of blueberries and also a random word which was ‘Reflective’. From this we were to create as many ideas from this word as possible above is what I came up with.


The next task given was to show different emotions using fruit so together as a group we sketched different ideas showing as many different emotions as we could.


The next part was to create a message. Together we thought of many different paths we could go down to portray a particular message to the target audience (the workers). We then decided on what different outcomes we could produce for our message.
