Preparing for cut and print.

I have decided to carry out test prints to check the size of the print making sure detail is still kept on the image. Doing this I  tried A5, A3 and A4 I found A4 was the best size and fit the chest perfectly without loosing too much detail A5 lost too much detail and A3 was too big for the female style t-shirt but just fitted the male t-shirt therefore A4 was most suitable.

After this I needed to prepare for cutting and printing my image so had to step by step invert the final to black on white this actually showed up a few imperfections within the image which was really handy to find now before cutting the image. Here is what I found.

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As can be seen on the right the lines were slightly overlapping on the cuff which really stood out to me so had to play around with the anchor points to make sure it was straight.

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Here is another example of an issue I found which again was resolved using the direct selection tool, picking up the anchor point and moving them.

After checking the image over to ensure there was no problems I got to this.


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