Step By Step.

To begin designing for the quote ‘It is always the right time to do what is right’ (Martin Luther King Jr.) I decided to use some of my research which gave me inspiration which was a lino print by Kyle Steed.

Processed with VSCOcam with m6 preset


This was the main inspiration for this project especially after my experimentation with hand rendered typography. After reasserting gestures of Martin Luther King Jr. I decided on one particular image/gesture which I felt was most powerful due to the shuttle gesture of thought which I felt would be signified to my audience along with the quote that I am using.


From this I began vectoring the image to create a similar style to that of Kyle Steed’s work to make it possible to lino print this piece.


I began using black and white outlines using the pen tool to picture how it would look as I went along making it able for me to see how the lino print would come out like. This process was repeated to create the effect throughout the main body of the illustration.








From vectoring the main part of the image I then began playing around with creating the facial features which proved difficult using the pen tool and did not create the same hand done look like the style I was trying to achieve.


To solve this issue I began using the blob brush tool to create a more hand done look/style. This seemed to have a better effect so I the used this consistently when creating the facial features of Martin Luther King Jr.




When the main image had been created I then using my previous experiments with hand rendered type began creating typefaces on the face, hair and body, using some of the font styles I had used previously again using a similar style to Kyle Steed.


I then got to this stage and started thinking about what this might look like on a t-shirt and began adding black backgrounds to really make the imagery stand out as well as thickening the point size of some of the lines of the imagery to make the imagery stand out more without it becoming lost with the same point size as some of the text.



After playing around with the final I decided to then place a square outline around the illustration to think about how it might work placed on the t-shirt due to the squareness of the piece and came up with this. From this I am going to play around with mock ups on what they would look like on t-shirts and where the placement should be.


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