Packaging Research.

For my t-shirts I will be designing packaging. I have decided to look into packaging as a sustainable element for the environment as my printing technique would be better for the environment than general printers using electric as it could be printed by hand using the linoleum I have produced.

I began looking at at article called

‘Coconut fibre nano-particles, meat-skin, and edible silk coating: the wacky world of packaging innovation’

When looking into this it was very inspirational with this statement said by Gwenith Marcelo Fries (2017) ‘many companies are actively looking for ways to develop high-quality, durable sustainable packaging solutions for reuse’. (, 1,1,17) For me although this article was very interesting in the fact it was a discussion about different ways food can be packaged to be edible which would be a major step for the packaging industry the word for me that stood out in that statement was ‘reuse’.

I decided that for this project I would like to create something that was hand crafted  throughout this project to make the items bespoke and better for the environment a much as I can.

For my packaging I have decided to create a paper bag with the linoleum cut design on that could be reused in someway or another whether it be recycled or just reused by the buyer itself to give a gift in maybe or just one of those bags you get from a company that you just can’t get rid of because its too nice, giving an advertisement aspect to it as well.

From this I am going to look into different materials that can be printed onto using linoleum and what route I can go down.


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