Short Quotes.

From my previous research of famous quotes I am going to be looking into much smaller quotes which would focus more on the typographic side of this project.

I don’t want to earn my living; I want to live. Oscar Wilde

Work hard. Dream big.Unknown

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Unknown

‘”Live and let live.” — Yiddish Proverb

“Life teaches, Love reveals” — Anonymous

“Life is a choice.” — Anonymous

“Reach for the stars.” — Anonymous

“Nothing ventured,nothing gained.” — Anonymous

“Whatever happens, take responsibility.” — Tony Robbins

“Dance lightly with life.” — Jonathan Lockwood Huie

“Earth laughs in flowers.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Happiness Is A Choice.” — Barry Neil Kaufma

“Creativity is like electricity.” — Maya Angelou

“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” — Aristotle

“Nothing succeeds like success.” — Walter Winchell

“Success can’t be forced.” — Loretta Young

“Be curious, not judgmental.” — Walt Whitman

“Nature is my medicine.” — Sara Moss-Wolfe’

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‘Change is Good’

‘Believe in Yourself’

‘Never Stop Dreaming’

‘Learn From Yesterday’ *

‘I ‘M Possible’*

‘Make it Happen’*

‘Never Look Back’*

‘Be As Water’ – Bruce Lee

‘I have a Dream’ Martin Luther King Jr.

Lord Tennyson

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

Charlie Chaplin

In the end, everything is a gag.

William Shakespeare

Frailty, thy name is woman!

Virgil, Aeneid

Fortune favors the brave.

Winston Churchill

A joke is a very serious thing.

Will Rogers

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Where there is love there is life.

Mohandas K. Gandhi

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

William Shakespeare

Brevity is the soul of wit.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi

Familiarity breeds contempt.Aesop

You can’t always get what you want.The Rolling Stones

I think therefore I am. Descartes

Time is money.Benjamin Franklin

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde

From this research I have been considering using a quote that could be relatable or  to adults and early adults both men and women. From looking at these quotes in depth I have decided to experiment ‘I think therefore I am’ as I feel this quote is recognisable and could be interesting is playing around with different stresses and sizes of words can really be developed to describe the quote itself. I also feel this quote is appropriate for a t-shirt design for both men and women.

Another quote in which I will be experimenting with is ‘The time is always right to do what is right’ (Martin Luther King Jr.). As I feel this is also a very relatable quote to both men and women and could open up many pathway in which this could be designed. I feel this quote is also appropriate for a t-shirt brand on quotations.

Famous quotes.

For this project I will be basing the typographic designs on quotes so have decided to begin by looking at different famous quotes to see what might be of interest to use in this project for a male or female. I will be thinking about whether the quote itself should be unisex and the typography itself could be masculine or feminine determining which t-shirt is for which sex. I will also be taking inso consideration what would be appropriate to be on a t-shirt.

Here are a few quotes I have found.

‘We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.’ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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‘The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.’ Martin Luther King, Jr.

The time is always right to do what is right. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history.’ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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‘The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.’ Albert Einstein
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‘A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.’ Albert Einstein
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‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ Winston Churchill
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When looking at these different quotes by famous people I have been considering the final outcome throughout. I feel using quotes as long as these may not work as well when focusing on the typographic side of this project as the typefaces would have to be quite small which means the focus on the typefaces could be lost when designing for this project. I have decided from this research to no just look at famous quotes but general quotes that could be from anyone  which may relate more to the target audience in which I will be deciding.

From this I will be looking into different quotations that may not be famous but relatable to an audience. I will also be moving forward by looking into existing t-shirt designs using words to see what style might be of inspiration and designs that I feel do not work looking at the reasons why.

My Brief.

For this project I have decided to design two t-shirts for a company called ‘Quotations’ using quotes as the basis of this project focusing on typography. During this project the typography will initially be hand rendered then developed using Adobe programs. There will be one t-shirt for a male and one for a female.

As well as designing the t-shirts I will also be designing packaging for them and tags taking into consideration sustainability.

APP Interim Crit – Reflective Practice.

InterimCrit Presentation – Click to view.

During the Interim Crit I explained how far I was during this project giving me a chance to reflect on where to go next. From my research of typographic artists it gave me many different thoughts on where to go from what I had already been doing. I decided from the printing styles I have been looking at it would be good to look into different printing methods, sustainability in my design and what I would be basing my project on which needed lots of experimentation. Also reflecting on what I have been doing so far I felt I needed to manage my time better to ensure the outcome could deb of a high standard.

Typographic Research.

From my mind mapping of quotation I have decided to go down the route of typography for this project and will begin by looking at different typographic artist to get inspiration from their work.

Below are a few artists which have caught my eye.

I began looking at an artist I am familiar with which has given me inspiration in many of my works which is David A Smith.



His work for me has been very inspirational for typography due to his intense detail with hand rendered typography. This could be something of interest during this project as it will be based on typography and will be interested in attempting some more hand rendered type. David A smith is a glass guilder and Typographer of whom has created albums, tattoos and glass works for brands and companies.

The next artist of interest was Alex Trochut.


His typographic style caught my eye with his simplicity of colour yet powerful effect. Alex Trochut’s work is extremely intricate and detailed typographic design work. He has worked for huge companies such as Nike and Coca-Cola showing me that typography can be used in many different products which could be made for this project.

I have also looked into a few more artist below looking at typography in many different ways. Some of these are hand rendered and some computer based however have all caught my eye and are good inspiration for this typographic project.


Craig Ward

Craig Ward is a British based typographer who uses an huge range of different media and equipment, generating stunning outcomes and effects. I have looked previously at Craig Ward and for me he gives the wow factor creating typography in unusual ways using different materials. This could be something of interest in my project when designing typography.

Processed with VSCOcam with m6 preset

Kyle Steed

Kyle Steed is hand letterer and illustrator. This piece caught my eye with he use of typography and illustration put together. He is well known for creating his own typeface which is also of interest. The use of different colours and negatives in Steeds work is very much of interest and for me this piece could be seen on a t-shirt which gives me further ideas into the outcome needed for this brief.


Stefan Sagmeister

Sagmeister for me is always of interest of looking at during a typographic project due to his very interesting outcomes for example one of his most famous pieces which was where he cut the work onto his body. This piece I am currently looking at has not only given me an insight to ways typography can be designed but also the kind of outcome it can be used for.


Tom Lane

Tom Lane is a freelance letterer, illustrator and designer. He has designed for huge companies such as Coco-Cola, Nike Air Jordan, Sony Ericson, BMW,  and Mercedes Benz. His typography stands out to me with the way he executes his hand lettering on the computer and the many different styles of lettering in which he creates mostly all hand drawn before putting onto the computer.


Mary Kate McDevitt

McDevitt is a hand letterer and illustrator which caught my eye due to her composition. I feel the way she has laid out her typography adding little details is very eye-catching and interesting. This is definitely a style is which I would like to try and is very inspirational for the hand lettered aspect.

From this I will be looking into what the project will be about to ensure this brief can be fit.

Mind Mapping/Divergent Thinking.

To begin this project I decided to set myself a time scale of 30 seconds to think of as many words as possible in relation to ‘quotations’ here is what I came up with.


From doing this mind map using divergent thinking it has given me many different ways in which I can approach this project with inspiration especially from famous quotes/famous people as well as looking into quotations as literally as quote marks themselves.

From this I am going to be looking into what different things can be produced using these as a basis helping to create a brief.

APP Brief 2.

Use the any of the following as catalysts for a project theme from which you will formulate a project brief of your own making:

  • Quotations
  • Urban Myths
  • 2116 AD
  • A short story
  • Heroes


Your research is likely to be highly personal, unique and largely dependent upon your chosen area of specialism and your area of focus within the given theme. However, you will produce a series of research journals, the content of which will document your creative journey, your processes, your thoughts, and your discoveries and must clearly demonstrate a developing understanding of your field of specialism. Also, your journals must indicate that you have considered the theme(s) appropriately and that you demonstrated that you have developed both your analytical and practical skills in relation to your chosen field of specialism in the undertaking of this project.

Stating the obvious, your journals need to be written up regularly, not late into, or at the end of the project. This is ensure and evidence consistency and continuity of thinking. Regular reflective practice is expected. Reflective practice is the ongoing process of looking back on your actions, practice, working methods, etc., then assessing and recording how well these actions worked, how they will shape what you will do next and what you have learned in the performing of these actions.

The contents of these journals is entirely at your discretion, so long as they contain the above mentioned points and fully address the learning outcomes. Don’t dismiss any ideas in the early stages of this project, however daft they might seem. Include notes, passing thoughts, observations, photographs, doodles, articles, drawings, diagrams, snippets of conversation, etc.
The bullet point I have chosen to base my project upon is ‘Quotations’. The route I am going to go down with this project is typography. To begin this project I will start with mind mapping some thoughts based on the word and begin my research from there.