Existing pub coasters.


I decided to look at existing pub posters to see what type of styles each brand of beer has gone for with the type of beer/ale they might be.




I have found with looking at more traditional styles of beer/ales have more of an old style font/imagery if any. And more new styles of beer/ale have more simple logos which tend to be more modern looking with a mix between a traditional typeface with a modern twist.

Photographs of Inside ‘The Moat’

I decided to look into the inside of the newly refurbished pub called The Moat which I am going to be designing for to get a feel of how I can make my sign design relate to the interior design of the pub itself.

Here are a few images.

2-moatwrotham-7 2-moatwrotham-4 2-moatwrotham-10

By looking gat the interior and exterior of the pub itself, I felt what really stood out to me in the design was the fact there was lost of wooden beams and wood overall but also the deep red traditional pub colours. I am going to be taking into consideration these design aspects from the interior to relate this to the exterior signage and all three of the outcomes I will be producing.

Researching Different Techniques.

I have decided to look at different techniques I could use to create my pub sign. I would like it to look professional, traditional and unique to this particular pub sticking to the brief of relating to a traditional country pub.

Here are a few ideas I have found.




The first technique I have come across is laser cutting. Laser cutting is a technique used to cut and engrave materials. You can get lots of different styles using a laser cutter an dis very precise in creating cut out typography which I feel could be a great style for my signage.




The next style I thought of after researching an artist called David A Smith. He designs and created a lot of signers on glass using gold leafing effects, enamel, and sandblasting techniques which I feel are very eye catching. However after looking into this technique I feel that glass would take away from the traditional style of the pub so I do not think this technique would be suitable for this brief.


During university I had a workshop with a professional illustrator called Sean de Burca. The workshop he did was teaching us how to illustrate type professionally using a layout he uses which ensures each letter is the same size and is consistent throughout.

I found this workshop very interesting and it helped me a lot, making me able to sketch my own type faces.


I will be interpreting this method into possibly sketching my own typeface for my designs.

Artist Research.

For this brief I decided to look into the artist David A Smith.

I found he is a very intricate sign writer and glass guilder which I feel will help me in looking into different styles of signage which I may possibly interpret into my design.

‘Dave Smith is a name that has become synonymous in sign-writing circles with high quality, hand crafted reverse glass signs and decorative mirrors. It is fair to say that now-a-days this is the main thrust of his work.’

Here are a few examples of his works.




I feel David A Smiths work is very traditional looking in font and I feel it would work very well in interpreting into a pub sign.

Existing Pub Signs.

I decided to begin by travelling around the British countryside looking at different pub signs to see what different styles designers have gone for relating to each type of pub to see how existing designers have gone about designing for this particular brief.

Here are a few examples of what I have seen.



I began in Wrotham which I found a nice upper class country pub called The Bull Hotel.  I found the sign was rich in colour being a burnt red which relates the inside style of the pub keeping the colour scheme consistent. The font used is a mixed between a serif and a sans serif showing the hierarchy within the information on the sign which I feel works well. The font used is similar to a Delimar type face which begin a serif I feel works well in signifying the pub to be quite professional and upper class. The sign was mounted on a wooden frame with glass to cover which I feel works well.

Pub Picture 2

The next stop was in West Kingstown to a pub called the Gamecock. The sign on this pub is a very commonly used pub typeface similar to a Times New Roman Bold style font. I feel it is suitable to the traditional relaxed style of the classic pub and it very simple to suit the design scheme of the pub itself.


My next stop was a pub in Sevenoaks called The Black Boy. This is a traditional up market pub in Sevenoaks with a semi traditional/modern interior inside the pub which I feel works well with the illustrated traditional imagery with the bold Shepherd Neame style font used.

I feel this has given me a good insight into how designers have created a relation in the design of the signage to the style of the pub itself. Also using typefaces that signify the style of pub which I will taking into consideration when designing for The Moat.

My Proposal/Brief.

A country pub is currently being refurbished and is looking to get their exterior signage re-designed and their own brand of coasters promoting the refurbishments as well as their up and coming own brand of ale. First thing is first, the country pub want to have their logo freshened up and tweaked with each of the outcomes in obvious relation to one and other. The Pub is called The Moat and they are looking for a completely new logo for their signage, a label for their new brand of Cider and their coasters promoting the refurbished pub. The pub is based in the rural English countryside village of Wrotham, Kent. They are looking for a traditional, classic logo with a vintage, British feel.

Client: The Moat Pub

Product: New pub sign/logo, New Label ‘The Moat ‘Cider’, New Coasters

Job Description: Branding

Date: 24/2/16

What do we want the communication to achieve?

Encourage new customers to the pub whilst advertising their new product. Making sure their cider label stands out on the shelf from the others but is recognizable as cider.

Who are we talking to?

Cider lovers, but trying to attract a variety of consumer as well.


What is the unique selling proposition?

Selling the brand. Promoting that this pub is the place to go to and their Cider is the one to choose.

What evidence is there to support this?

Researching existing beer/cider brands to see what makes them successful and stand out as well as researching country pub design to look into what has made them successful in their pub branding.

Who are the main competitors?

Other country pubs in the areas.

Media Requirements:

Pub Logo/Signage

Pub Coasters

The Moat Beer Label Design

Learning Outcomes.

To begin I began looking into the leaning outcomes to see what type of things I would need to be covering during this project and to also help with my proposal and brief that I am going to be writing. In this seminar we looked at the outcomes and looked into what we felt they meant in our own words and also how we include them into our project.

Here is what I came up with.

  • Time management, thinking further ahead down the project.
  • Preparation of printing or technical style research.
  • Assessing my own work critically throughout to improve the final outcome.
  • Research thoroughly throughout the project to identify each design step I have taken.
  • Thinking of your design as a body of work in industry.
  • Independently make justified decisions possibly carry out surveys and research to help with this.
  • Develop my work by reflection of previous mistakes to improve the way you might design and how you might solve design problems you might come across when your carrying out your brief.
  • To be able to extract information from my project and explain meaning. (Making sense of what I am reading)
  • Explain why you make the decisions that you’re making.
  • Identifying design problems and solving them.
  • Is the solution appropriate? Test it?