Evaluation of Poster Design.

Evaluation of Poster Design.

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After looking at my final design I feel like it does fit the brief well, it attracts my target audience and is legible to my reader.

If I could change anything about my poster It would be to try out different colour schemes and also filled more of the dark space to give it more of a personality

I am happy with the programmes used. If I could have taken this project further and could have used different materials rather than it having to be computerised I would have played around with materials to make it more interesting to my target audience.

The colour scheme I believe came out well and I thought that it was a good subtle attraction to the audience signifying professionalism throughout.

I feel the typefaces used work very well in creating a hierarchy for the information I have put on the poster itself. I think the centre alignment works very well here is creating a well balanced poster. I feel my poster works well with showing the anatomy of type and how typography is created explaining the exhibition itself.

Overall I feel like the design works and fits the brief intentions.

Step By Step.

Here is my step by step of creating my poster.


To begin from my initial sketches I decided to design something similar to type anatomy that I had researched and hand rendered sketching to relate to the typography exhibition. I began using a typeface that would do that and added in extra circles and dots etc when necessary.

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From this I decided to fill the letters to make the title stand out as before it was very plain and did not catch the eye from a distance when test printing.

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I decided that the black on white was too plain and I did not want to go for colour as I wanted the poster to signify professionalism and attract my target audience. From this I decided to change everything to white using the paint bucket tool.

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After this I added a black background which really made the title pop out. This colour scheme was inspired by my research of posters using type and Craig Ward’s piece ‘you blow me away’.

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I felt this worked well although had a huge blank space below. I decided to add the date and list of typographers that are in the show. I decided to try a white box with black text inside however when I did this I found It was too much and did not work with the theme I was going for. The font used for the information is Gill Sans as I wanted it to go against the main serif title. I feel this works well.

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From this I decided to remove the white box and align the text so it was centred with an equal gap between to make it balanced however with the different sized names this made the line up unbalanced.

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As this was unbalanced I decided to centre align the text and make sure everything was centred. I felt this worked well and achieved my brief. Below is the Final.

Inspirational Designers.

 I have decided to look at some different designers to get more inspiration for my poster here are a few that caught my eye.

Alex Trochut.

Alex Trochut is renowned for his extremely intricate and detailed typographic design work. It is said that he was inspired by his Grandfather’s modular typographic and ornament system creation in the 40s, from this he has developed a unique and elegant style and worked for clients such as Nike and Coca-Cola.

Below is some of his typographic works that have caught my eye.

Typography-Artist-Alex-Trochut Alex-Trochut-Lorem-Ipsum

Craig Ward

Craig Ward is a typography artist and designer. He uses an extensive range of media and equipment, creating stunning outcomes and effects. One of his most ambitious pieces is titled ‘You Blow Me Away’ which he put together with kinetic still-life photographer Jason Tozer. ‘With the type screen printed onto sheets of glass, they fired various objects through them and photographed the scenes at various stages.’ The results were both unique and incredible making the piece look three dimensional making the typography really come out to the audience.

He is also recognised for his piece titled ‘Bad Typography Is Everywhere’ which I found very interesting. It highlights in a visually clever way the fact that the world is so full of bad typography that people often don’t notice the good. This has inspired me to maybe try something like this in my project.

Here are his works that I have discussed.



Existing Exhibition Posters.

I have decided to have a look at existing posters advertising some sort of typographic exhibition. I think doing this will give me a better understanding of how to layout my posters but also give me some inspiration on how I can attract the audience using typography but also explain what the exhibition is about.


I like the way this poster has given an insight to what the exhibition is about. I feel the black and white colour scheme works well here. I also think that the posters letters signifies fun to attract people to the exhibition itself.


This poster I think is interesting; I like the way they have used typography as the background with the main type coming through. However I think it is too jumbled and the lines connecting the information at the bottom is confusing. I think it would be attractive from a distance but the writing below could be confused as part of the background which is not what I would like to happen on my poster.


I feel this piece is fun and again explains the exhibition itself. The minimal use of colour works well and I feel the use of the hand signifies the ‘manual’ meaning on the poster.


I feel this piece is very striking and interesting, however it is not obvious what the exhibition is about or even what the main information says. I like the interesting use of typography however feel it needs to be more obvious.

From looking at these different examples it has given me an insight of what to do and what NOT to do. It has given me inspiration and also ideas of making sure my poster is understood, unique and attractive for the audience.



Existing Typographic Posters.

To begin I decided to focus on looking at existing posters advertising typefaces to give me an insight of what my poster could look like. I have found a few different posters on several different typefaces that have caught my eye.

Here are the examples below.


I like the way this piece creates movement within the typeface, I feel it makes the typeface look interesting and relates to what the typeface is about which I what I would like to do when designing my piece.

Igaramond garamondposter

I felt that these to pieces were the most striking with the use of black and white I feel signifies the classic look of the typeface which I feel works very well. However on the second piece I feel the information cannot be read properly which lets the poster down.

From this research it has given me more of an insight on how to signify the typeface’s personality and what it is used for; but also has given me ideas for how to attract an audience to use a particular typeface and make not just a designer be attracted to look at a typography advertisement.